Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fads, fashions and Thank you!

In case you didn’t know I am a management trainer, coach and consultant. But I am very sceptical of management ‘fads’ and the latest training fashions. There’s so much nonsense around it frustrates me that there seems to be such a huge appétite for fads. True, you can have fun with some of these things (and people like a workshop that’s fun!) but often they don’t really make a great difference in the organizations people work for. With some of the leaders I coach I am amazed at what fads preoccupy them. Since coaching is essentially about asking questions I love to question what they see as valuable in these preoccupations – I save them time and money.
I know so many have already bought the e-book on my site – and I’ve been delighted to receive your overwhelmingly positive comments about it – thank you!. And some good ideas for developing other chapters too! Again, Thank you!

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